You have been reading my previous post about Spicy Thai Thai Cafe part one and part two. This time round, Spicy Thai-Thai Cafe invited us over to try their NEW dishes.
Kaeng Som Cha Om 泰式野菜煎蛋辣汤
Price: $18
Deep Fried Sea Bass with Thai Turmeric Sauce 泰式酥炸黄酱汁鲈鱼
Seasonal Price
One of my favourite during the tasting. The fish skin so crispy and the meat so sweet. The sauce is tasty with sweet and sour flavour and really addictive.
Cold Tofu with Special Thai Seafood Sauce 泰式海鲜酱汁冷豆腐
Price: $15
It such a humble and subtle taste but yet very comforting food.
Stir-Fry Broccoli with Scallops 干贝炒西兰花
Price: $20
Stir-Fry Cabbage with Thai Sweet Fish Sauce 泰式鱼卤炒包菜
Price: $10
Stir-Fry Sambal Baby Sweet Potato Leaves 小番薯叶炒蒜蓉
Price: $10
One of my favourite is sweet potato leaves, never forget to order this everytime we have Thai food.
Ron Fried Noodles 泰式面
(below picture is the combination of 3 portions)
Price: $6 per portion
Stir-Fry Fish Maw with Crab Meat 蟹肉炒鱼鳔
Price: $20
Price: $4
Red ruby is one of my favourite Thai dessert. Found it at Spicy Thai Thai Cafe too, but it will be perfect if it comes with more red ruby and less ice.

Price: $3
This dessert is very refreshing and soothing.
Further info and food selection can browse thru their website:
Spicy Thai-Thai Cafe
115 Aljunied Ave 2, Block 115, Singapore 380115